Canvest - Paul Y. Joint Venture Awarded the North Lantau Transfer Station and Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities – Second Follow-On Contract by Environmental Protection Department
24 Oct 2023

Canvest - Paul Y. Joint Venture is pleased to be awarded the North Lantau Transfer Station (NLTS) and Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities (OITF) Second Follow-On Contract by Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and to attend the contract signing ceremony on 20 October 2023.

Paul Y. is delighted to be partnering with Canvest Environmental Protection Group Company Limited with its wealth of experience from the environmental protection industry in the Mainland where innovative technologies are applied to waste treatment and management. This is a design and construct project involving refurbishment and upgrading works of the existing NLTS and OITF. Upon completion of the works, there will be improved efficiency in waste handling and enhanced environmental performance with, for example, an upgraded odour control system, electric propelled purpose-built waste container vessels and generally enhanced energy saving management in the operation of NLTS and OITF. This project will benefit the local and wider community and promote sustainable treatment and management of waste for Hong Kong.
